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About the Photographer:
Janet Combs
b. 1960, Washington, DC
DC Homeless Population 2020: est. 6,380
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Janet Combs is an independent photographer and visual storyteller currently based in Sarasota, Florida, who shot her first wedding at the age of sixteen. In 2018, while filling out FAFSAs for her children to attend college, she decided to fill one out for herself and finish the Bachelor's of Art degree in Art that she began over forty years ago. This body of work titled 'Invisible Visible' is part of her Senior Project, or 'capstone', which is a graduation requirement at Florida Gulf Coast University, where she commutes an hour and a half each way in order to attend classes. She considers this photography project as pure, and shoots her subjects organically despite the background.
Her beloved Grandfather sums her up best: "Janet never met a stranger."
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